IP2Proxy Ruby Library

This Ruby library supports all IP2Proxy™ BIN database products to query an IP address if it is being used as virtual private networks (VPN), open proxies, web proxies, Tor exits, data center & web hosting ranges (DCH), search engine robots (SES), residential proxies (RES), consumer privacy networks (CPN), and enterprise private networks (EPN). It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization.


ZIP Installation

  1. Download and unzip package from
  2. gem build ip2proxy_ruby.gemspec
  3. gem install ip2proxy_ruby
  4. Run the script
    ruby -rubygems example.rb

RubyGems Installation

  1. gem install ip2proxy_ruby
  2. Run the script
    ruby -rubygems example.rb
Sample Codes
require 'ip2proxy_ruby'

# open IP2Proxy BIN database for proxy lookup

# get versioning information
print 'Module Version: ' + i2p.get_module_version + "\n"
print 'Package Version: ' + i2p.get_package_version + "\n"
print 'Database Version: ' + i2p.get_database_version + "\n"

# individual proxy data check
print 'Is Proxy: ' + i2p.is_proxy('').to_s + "\n"
print 'Proxy Type: ' + i2p.get_proxytype('') + "\n"
print 'Country Code: ' + i2p.get_country_short('') + "\n"
print 'Country Name: ' + i2p.get_country_long('') + "\n"
print 'Region Name: ' + i2p.get_region('') + "\n"
print 'City Name: ' + i2p.get_city('') + "\n"
print 'ISP: ' + i2p.get_isp('') + "\n"
print 'Domain: ' + i2p.get_domain('') + "\n"
print 'Usage Type: ' + i2p.get_usagetype('') + "\n"
print 'ASN: ' + i2p.get_asn('') + "\n"
print 'AS: ' + i2p.get_as('') + "\n"
print 'Last Seen: ' + i2p.get_last_seen('') + "\n"
print 'Threat: ' + i2p.get_threat('') + "\n"
print 'Provider: ' + i2p.get_provider('') + "\n"

# single function to get all proxy data returned in array
record = i2p.get_all('')
print 'is Proxy: ' + record['is_proxy'].to_s + "\n"
print 'Proxy Type: ' + record['proxy_type'] + "\n"
print 'Country Code: ' + record['country_short'] + "\n"
print 'Country Name: ' + record['country_long'] + "\n"
print 'Region Name: ' + record['region'] + "\n"
print 'City Name: ' + record['city'] + "\n"
print 'ISP: ' + record['isp'] + "\n"
print 'Domain: ' + record['domain'] + "\n"
print 'Usage Type: ' + record['usagetype'] + "\n"
print 'ASN: ' + record['asn'] + "\n"
print 'AS: ' + record['as'] + "\n"
print 'Last Seen: ' + record['last_seen'] + "\n"
print 'Threat: ' + record['threat'] + "\n"
print 'Provider: ' + record['provider'] + "\n"

# close IP2Proxy BIN database
Sample IP2Proxy Databases (BIN)
Sample Packages - BIN File IPv4 + IPv6
IP2Proxy PX1 Download (20.69 MB)
IP2Proxy PX2 Download (23.17 MB)
IP2Proxy PX3 Download (27.55 MB)
IP2Proxy PX4 Download (32.29 MB)
IP2Proxy PX5 Download (33.72 MB)
IP2Proxy PX6 Download (34.01 MB)
IP2Proxy PX7 Download (36.69 MB)
IP2Proxy PX8 Download (37.84 MB)
IP2Proxy PX9 Download (37.69 MB)
IP2Proxy PX10 Download (45.43 MB)
IP2Proxy PX11 Download (46.34 MB)
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